Dr. 伊丽莎白Kramer-Simpson




  • elisabeth.kramer-simpson@huayebaihuo.com Fitch 114
    (575) 835-6056
    Office Hours: Wed 1pm-3:45pm; please email in advance

副教授 of Technical Communication, Beth Kramer-Simpson engages students in service and community projects like working with local nonprofits to find grant 机会或其他文档支持. 她正在介绍内容战略 以及公众参与的可用性研究. 她还把学生联系起来 提供实习机会和专业发展资源.

Dr. Beth earned her PhD in English (Composition Studies) from the University of New Hampshire with a specialization in Second 语言写作, MA in Applied English Linguistics from the University of Wisconsin, and BA in English Education from the 爱荷华大学. 

She teaches technical communication courses like Community Service, Orientation to Technical Communication, Visual Communication, Internship, Social Justice and Sociolinguistics, Technical Writing, Senior Seminar, Persuasive Communication and Grant Writing, Professional 写作工作坊及毕业论文. 

Her research areas include service learning, social justice, 实习, and content auditing. Dr. Beth directs the Technical Communication Program, which is informed 由我们的企业顾问委员会. 她也是STC三位一体学生分会的教员 sponsor and encourages students to submit poster and presentation ideas to national 会议.